Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let tax cuts expire...ALL of them

Kathy & I just sent the following to our Congressman & both Senators:
(Please consider sending something similar to your politicians.)

Dear Sir -

Let ALL tax cuts expire, please.

This is immensely preferable to extending them for 1 or 2 years, which we think translates to "forever."        

Our national debt is an impediment to every social and economic improvement we want. It piles an every-increasing burden on my daughter's generation...and on her children and grandchildren.

The increasing proportion of our debt held by foreign countries (especially China) poses a serious, and seriously under-appreciated, threat to our national security. If China decided to stop underwriting our debt, it could undermine our ability to fund the needs of our military, among other things.

It would be preferable to let the cuts apply only to those with incomes below $250,000 or $1,000,000, but capitulation to Republican obstructionism is far worse than letting the ill-advised cuts simply expire - - and blame the Republicans for stonewalling a vote.
Please advocate and vote for responsible action.
Thank you for your attention.


Gil & Kathy Salk


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